New Challenge Gift - African and African American Enrichment Fund

African and African American Academic Enrichment Fund

New Challenge Gift: $100K to the Fund IF it doubles total donors to 950.

Got $100? Got your Class year in dollars? Got $1? It doesn't matter how much. Donate what you can here:

The Fund needs 477 more donors to receive the Anonymous $100K Challenge Gift.

Please spread the word. Ask five of your friends to donate. Tell 'em why you have.

Tell 'em participation matters. Every dollar the Fund receives will help enable AAAS to support studies, programming and civil dialogue on race and racial justice and promote anti-racist study, discovery, and models of academic and experiential learning.

The Fund is on its way to $1M by year end. If we meet the Challenge, the Fund will be more than half-way there!

Thank you  *  Thank you  *  Thank you